Canon EOS-M 大躍進,韌體2.0.2 參見! - 數位補給站 2013年7月2日 - 升級後EOS-M有2.3倍的對焦速度?有沒有這麼猛?(圖片取自日本Canon官網). 從6月頭聽到Canon EOS-M韌體的風聲之後,再經過把玩了Canon ...
傑利帶路玩世界- 本篇重點是,馬上把EOS M 更新韌體到2.0.2 ... 相機輕量化活動!! Part II (Canon EOS M 大復活!!) 為了證明『相機後的腦袋才是重要的!』 (其實也是自己越來越想偷懶不拿大鏡頭了~). 趁著還沒出團的空檔,繼續 ...
Canon EOS M Review and Photo + Video Test : with Latest Firmware update - YouTube The EOS M is Canon's first entry into the fast-growing Mirror-Less Camera market. The EOS M has an APS-C sized sensor and a DIGIC 5 Processor like Canon's Pro-sumer DSLRs Here are some things to consider when buying a Canon E...
Canon EOS M 全新 Firmware 推出,提升對焦表現 - 期待了好一段日子,Canon 終於為自家首部無反 EOS M 推出新 Firmware,最新版本為 Ver. 2.0.2。新版本除了有大家最關心的對焦反應提升,亦提供另外 2 ...
Canon U.S.A. : Support & Drivers : EOS M EF-M 22mm STM Kit Inspired by EOS technology, Canon developed the new EOS M Digital Camera. Canon introduced the market to Full HD video capture with smooth, quiet continuous autofocus made possible by Movie Servo AF and STM lenses, advanced CMOS sensor technology ...
Canon EOS M半年來的黑白生活 (第1頁) - Canon單眼相機 - Mobile01 以前底片機時代,Leandro Cheng買過幾台小台的隨身機: Yashica T5, Contax T3, Contax T2,這幾台的鏡頭品質實在不錯。 數位相機時代,2003年買了台Canon G3,雖然以當時的標準來說還不錯,但是2006年買了350D後,一比較起來,發現兩台相機的畫質實在差太 ...
Canon EOS M review: Firmware update finally makes this mirrorless camera’s AF speed acceptable, but Late to the mirrorless camera game, the Canon EOS M wasn't a big hit at launch -- primarily due to reports of its glacial autofocus speeds. (Something we discovered here at IR immediately.) Due to what was considered a fatal flaw, the camera was mostly ig
The Magic of Firmware: Canon EOS M AF Speed Boost Seen in Videos Earlier this month, Canon announced that there’s a firmware update for the Canon EOS M on the way that will boost the mirrorless camera’s sluggish autofocusing speeds by up to 2.3x. Given that AF slowness is one of the biggest gripes EOS M owners have wit
eos m韌體 - 相關部落格
誇扯世界。: 【攝影】 Canon EOS M ver. 2.0.2 韌體升級教學 2013年6月28日 - 話說EOS M這台小EVIL什麼都好,就是對焦慢了些. Canon官方在6/27發布了新的韌 體, ...